Buy And Sell NFL Memorabilia

Collecting sports memorabilia is a past time as old as many sports themselves and with a league such as the NFL - the history and memorabilia is rich. Grey Flannel Auctions is the premier auction site for NLF/AFL memorabilia collectors and for those who just love the game of football.

Grey Flannel Auctions is a licensee of the NFL Alumni. At every multi-sport auction we hold, we have hundreds of pieces of NFL memorabilia such as autographed footballs, game worn jerseys, game used equipment and other authentic football memorabilia. We have an extensive network of football collectors and experts that allow us to put together some of the most unique and high quality auctions in the world. We work with collectors to appraise football memorabilia and find some of the rarest pieces of football memorabilia available.

If you happen to be looking for a specific and rare piece of memorabilia, contact us and let us know exactly what you are looking for. If it is not in our current auctions, we can work with our extensive resources to find the authentic piece of NFL or football memorabilia you are looking for.